Hazel C. On January 12, 2022, I went outside and inhaled the cold air in Ohio. I had a cough. Not a normal cough, but a bronchial cough. I know it all to well. I suffer from bronchitis most of my life.
Jennifer P. Each year, more people die of lung cancer than colon, breast and prostate cancer combined, yet it receives the least amount of federal funding than any other cancer.
Wayne A. In January 2016, my son and daughter-in-law were told their unborn baby has Spina Bifida. At the same time, my wife Carrie was going on a couple months with a nagging cough.
Jamie E. My name is Jamie Ellefson. I have NEVER smoked and I am a very fit, healthy and active person. I have always been very passionate about health, fitness and the outdoors.
Frank M. Hello, I’m Frank McKenna and I was diagnosed with Stage 4 EGFR Lung Cancer.
Wynn W. I’m a three-time cancer survivor. It all started in my lungs. My lungs kept collapsing, and the first time was in 2005.
Anthea G. My family has a long history with lung illnesses like asthma and COPD as well as lung cancer.
Adrina M. Our family volunteers with our local American Lung Association in Central Florida in support of our family members. Unfortunately, lung disease has struck my family on multiple fronts.
Cindy S. I was diagnosed with lung cancer at 35, with no risk factors.
Joseph S. Hi, I am Joseph Schiavo, a lung cancer survivor of 11 years and a nonsmoker.
Sania R. Lung cancer took my mother, Brenda Radcliffe, on September 14, 2020 before she was ready to go.
Amy C. I started walking with Lung Force in 2016, after my Mom, Sue, had her second lung cancer surgery (she’s the Sue in Sue’s Crew, our team name).
Christina H. In four years, two lung diseases took the lives of my husband and my sister - Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Stage 4 Lung Cancer.
Hattie W. My name is Hattie and I want express my experience which advocates for funding for lung care research.
Dianna W. In August 2018, I was driving down Rt 2 East, by Davis-Besse Power Plant in Oak Harbor, OH and saw a billboard that said "If you have ever smoked, you could be eligible for a life-saving lung scan."